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Until We Meet Again...

And between now and then....

Till I see you again....

I'll be loving you....

Love, Me

Skip Ewing

Each tear is but a memory held dear

A smile we will remember

A laugh we won't forget

Each tear is but a memory of you

Something to carry us through

Till we meet again...



 Dear Adam, this is a picture of my front yard after the ice storm that hit January

27, just two weeks and two days after we laid you to rest.  I was still in shock and numb over losing you. The picture doesn't really show the true extent of the damage. It was a big mess!

January 2009




Dear Adam,

Here is Emily's Valentine picture taken with

your bears that Brandy gave you.

Emily is 9 months old.

Feb 2009



I did not know that it was possible to grieve from every cell in your body. It is

hard to expain if you have not lost a child.  After the shock wore off, which

took three to four weeks, then the depression and grieving set in.  I grieved deeply into the pit of my soul, all the while just putting one foot in front of the other and going to work.  No one knew what I was feeling or how I was feeling.


Your cake I made for you for your

24th birthday, April 12, 2009.




Emily turned one year old on May 6. We celebrated her

birthday on May 9. The next day, May 10, was Mother's

Day and, Adam, I came to visit with you. It wasn't a joyful

day, but I can't find any joy in life since losing you, except

for Emily.





Adam, Lacey Lou joined you in Heaven on June 15.  You had her for 15 years a

and I know how much you loved her.  I miss her, too. It's like another piece of

you is gone. I love you so much.



Dear God,

If you should hear a scratch

Upon Edens gate tonight,

A gentle whine, a muffled bark,

Have Peter take a light

And open the Pearly Gates

And call her spirit in.

For I think she lived in Heaven once...

Please let her back in.

She may have been a mongrel

Without a pedigree,

Yet, she was noble, kind and good.

I think you will agree.

She will be very useful where the souls of everyone stay,

She'll romp with them, and dear God,

Make sure they don't go astray.

Just tell her that I'm sorry she could not stay and play,

I pray that when death bekins

And my soul surmounts lifes log,

I'll rate a place in Heaven, dear God,

Right beside my dog.





Adam, I am sending you this picture of Emily taken July 4th.

We had a cook-out at the farm. Emily got her little white dress dirty,

but she and Luke had a good time playing on the porch. She is 14

months old now and the joy of my life.



Adam, your Dad and I designed your memorial stone.

We put one of your drawings on the front.

I hope you like it.
We Love You!!!


This is the back of your memorial stone.

We like this picture of you with your car.


This shows the beautiful view up on the hill overlooking the lake.
Brandy and Debbie brought you the cardinal windchime on the shephards

hook, the cross with pictures and the wreath.
You are missed so much!!!


Your Dad made the cemetary marker with the light.

I found the little fisherman for you.

We know how you loved to go fishing.


 The rain came down on August 4th. Some parts of the city

got six inches in an hour causing flooding. The hospital

where I work flooded, and they evacuated all the patients. I

was not scheduled to work that day. They are now sending

us downtown to another hospital to work. More stress!!



 Adam, this is not a real good picture, but this is a car

in the parking lot at the hospital during the flood. 



 August 16, 2009 -- Emily playing in the back yard.




Adam, she is so much like you. She loves to climb.




After sliding down the slide several times, she

decided she would try to walk down the slide! 







Dear Adam, your Dad and I decorated your memorial for fall.

I hope you like it. We all love you and miss you.

September 10, 2009





 Dear Adam, I am sending you this

picture of Brandy. As you know,

she got married on September 12.

She had a beautiful wedding, and

she was a gorgeous bride. We wish

her many blessings, and I know you

will always watch over her.







Dear Adam, here is Emily at 17 months old.

October 10, 2009

She is a precious little doll.





Dear Adam, I was looking forward to my second

grandbaby due in May, but God decided to take

this one back.  Please take good care of this

precious little angel for us. I love you, Son.



 Dear Adam, here is the latest picture I took of

Emily. She is 18 months old now and just as pretty

as a picture. You would really enjoy her as we do.

She loves hats and headbands and shoes. She

usually just puts on one shoe and runs around in it.

In this picture, she put on one boot and the little

summer hat and she was happy. She is a little

girly girl for sure!!! I wish you were here to see her,

Adam. I miss you so much.

November 29, 2009





Emily is looking out the window at a duck on the patio.

She has curly hair a lot like yours was when you were a baby.


 Adam, I made you some flower bouquets for Christmas. I never was

too good at working with flowers, but I hope you like them. Debbie

and Brandy wrapped the shepherd's hook to make it look like a

candy cane, and brought the flowers and decorations in the front.

We love you and miss you very, very much.












Dear Adam, I am sending you some Christmas

pictures. It wasn't the same without you, but

nothing will ever be the same. I am sending this

one of Emily because it shows her little shoes I

got for her. They are her favorite shoes, I guess

because they are her first pair with heels.  




 Just wish I knew what she was thinking, but she looks bored with it all.




When she opened her presents, she was very neat. She would tear off a piece of paper, wad it up, then give it to one of us or put it in an empty box. Needless to say, it took her a long time to open her presents. Wish you could have been here. 



 Emily and her daddy are watching "Burnout" on YouTube.



I let Emily play with a box of old jewelry and

she put on all the necklaces. She is so much

fun now, Adam, you would enjoy her. 





Dear Adam, one year has gone by without you and it has been a very hard one. It snowed on your Angelversary and I couldn't make it to visit you because of the bad roads. I came to see you on January 9 and took this picture. The snow looked really beautiful, but it was very cold. One day I hope to move closer to you and Emily. Forever in my heart, Mom.
















I had my own notion of grief.

I thought it was the sad time

That followed the death of someone you love.

And you had to push through it,

To get to the other side.

But I'm learning that there is no other side,

There is no pushing through.

But rather...

There is absorption,



And grief is not something you complete,

But rather, something you endure.

Grief is not a task to finish and move on,

But an element of yourself--

An alteration of your being.

A new way of seeing,

A new definition of self.


Those we love don't go away,

They walk beside us everyday.

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and always held dear.

Hugs From Heaven

When you feel a gentle breeze

Caress when you sigh

It's a hug sent from Heaven

From a loved one way up high.

If a soft and tender raindrop

Lands upon your nose

They've added a small kiss

As fragile as a rose.

If a song you hear fills you

With a feeling of sweet love

It's a hug sent from Heaven

From someone special above.

If you awaken in the morning

To a bluebird's chirping song

It's music sent from Heaven

To cheer you all day long.

If tiny snowflakes

Land upon your face

It's a hug sent from Heaven

Trimmed with Angel lace.

So keep the joy in your heart

If you're lonely my dear friend

Hugs that are sent from Heaven

A broken heart will mend.

This poem was sent to me by

Waylon Kitchens mom, Kimberly.

I love it so much that I wanted

to post it here, also. Thanks Kim!



 We are touched by Angels,

Walk where angels tread.

They will guard and guide us

Through the days ahead.

In times of sorrow,

As in days of joy,

They bring us hope and comfort

Nothing can destroy.

In the hours of darkness

When all our dreams have flown,

They bring us peace and healing,

We are not alone.

Through times of doubting

Still they understand.

We are touched by angels

Walking hand in hand.








 Angels whisper in the breeze,

Carrying God's miracles on downy wings.

Going forth to where they are told,

Having no particular agenda of their own.

They join hands when God says circle round,

Someone is in need or feeling down.

Prayers are whispered into the wind,

Until from Heaven a miracle is sent.

They gather round and form a ring,

An impenetrable barrier of angel's wings.

They whisper to us courage, strength and hope,

And they encamp about us when we need them the most.

Voices as soft as the feather is light,

Call across the distance to those out of sight.

From every corner of the earth that knows the wind,

Angels gather quickly and on us descend.

Celestial beings through which God's love flows,

He sends us His angels when we need them the most.










May the angels keep you til morning,

May they guide you through the night.

May they comfort all your sorrows,

May they help you win the fight.

May they keep watch on your soul,

May they show you better ways.

May they guard you while you're sleeping,

May they see you through your days.

May they show you new hopes,

May they still your every doubt.

May they calm your every fear,

May they hear you when you shout.

May the angels keep you til morning,

More than this I cannot pray.

And if the angels ever fail you,

May God be there that day.





 A child who loses a parent is an orphan

A man who loses his wife is a widower

A woman who loses her husband is a widow


There is no name for a parent that loses a child

As there is no word to describe the pain
