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Thoughts and PrayersThoughts and Prayers...Until We Meet Again....Precious Child of Mi...Adam's Angel FriendsLeft Behind
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Aunt Jo To All My Angels~Thinking of you~ March 16, 2010

Remembering all our special angels.

Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom Thinking of you.... March 14, 2010


mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Blessings 2 u March 12, 2010



You are the "Pot of Gold" at the end of my Rainbow....




There’s a magical place known as Heaven Where everything’s lovely and green, And castles and cottages cover the hills... With a beauty like you've never seen. There are Blessings and Smiles to greet you, wherever you happen to roam. And as much "Luck & Joy" as the shamrocks  that grow~ In this land that the "Angels" call HOME!!!  Have a Beautiful and Magical St Patrick's Day....

Mom to Angel Melissa Platt Happy St Patrick's Day March 10, 2010
Melissa Eiler With Love! March 9, 2010

Bette - Timmy Clark's mom Happy St. Paddy's Day from my angel to yours! March 8, 2010

Tammy K. For Adam and family March 7, 2010

♥ Happy Easter to you and your family precious angel ♥

*Baby Eli's Mommy* "Happy St Patrick's Day" March 6, 2010





Dianne/mom of Nicholas White Happy St. Patrick's Day! March 6, 2010
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt Thinking of You March 5, 2010
I have added an Angel Friends page to Melissa's site and would love for you to put your angel Adam on her page.

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